Wednesday, January 6, 2010

My Goals are not Starting so Good

So in my last post, I stated my goals for the year and now I am 6 days into them. I will tell you right now, I am failing my goals with flying colors. I never knew how much life really can get in the way of, well life!

I hate to admit defeat right now so, I will say that this will be a work in progress that I will continue to strive to accomplish! I have heard before that it takes 3 weeks of doing something consistently for it to become a habit so as the days and weeks go by maybe I can make my goals into habits.

So about the life that has gotten in the way of life....
My best boyfriend ever took me out on Saturday for date night in which I tried sushi for the first time and honestly really didn't like it but don't tell him that (lol). I ate about 5 pieces just for him but in return I made him sit thru a "chick flick" (his terms not mine). We saw Did you Hear About the Morgans? and it was so cute but I am also a HUGE Sarah Jessica Parker fan!

Then Sunday was NFL Game Day and I had to put all my concentration on the Eagles vs. Cowboys game only to watch my dear Eagles lose (badly might i add). I have confidence that they will win this week though because everyone is entitled to off days at work :)

Monday night was a double date Birthday Dinner night! My boyfriend and his best friend both share birthdays this week (10th and 6th) so we had a very fancy dinner and drinks at an expensive bar. It was a great night but a very late one for a girl who likes to go to bed my 10pm.

Then Tuesday saw me working and going to bed early which leads us to Wednesday (today silly)...

So that is my life getting in the way of life story for you but stay tuned in cause I will be working on my goals and showing everyone the great new items I have been working on!


  1. Cute pictures - and don't give up on your goals!

  2. Don't beat yourself up about not reaching your goals - just keep pushing, I'm sure you'll get there!
